Panzer's Bronze Skill (Breach and Clear) is too strong

That’s exactly what I’m saying… if she needs an adjustment lower lvls then work on that… I’m not saying that she is not good at 10 star, if she wasn’t good then no one would use her. But she is not so OP at high level due to the higher health of each hero and she does not scale up that fast…

But you can’t state how strong a hero is against her specialty, killing energy glass cannons like Flatline, Nightingale or Sapphyr (Which barely no one use at high level anyway because they are easy to kill by a lot of mech heros)…

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I use Nightingale in PvP :frowning_face:

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But you buff her somewhat up with either Phalanx or Heimlock. Nightingales advantage is that she is an early healer, her disadvantage is her low health and being a energy hero.

Just because panzer joined, but working on my phalanx and heimlock

If she doesn’t 1 shot at max level, then maybe she’s okay there. Just how many players are at max level? I’m at 5/6 stars lvl50, and 7/8 stars lvl 62 she just clears 2 - 3 blues in the first 3 to 5 seconds.

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Weired that Joker wrote that she will get even more OP the more stars she gets.

After playing a few matches against you, I can´t belive you really think she is not OP. Shredding through heroes in seconds is just to much. Not just energy but mech also, because she gets this big damage boost. You dont even have to attack the energy hero with breach and clear first, because you will kill it with the Platinum buff anyway.

I’ve run a few test rounds at a platinum challenge, I just took panzer and my mate took phalanx and heimlock, we did this a few times, even when I shot my skill at heimlock for fun I took down his phalanx in a few seconds and always got his heimlock below 50%, I need 4~ seconds to whipe his phalanx and then I can focus on heimlock, this even worked on autopilot, try this yourself and tell me about your experience, add other hero’s for fun but and tell me how not op she is…

Just ignore Nailfox, the dude has a plat 9* Panzer and is doing everything he can to convince the Devs that Panzer isn’t broken.

The fact he’s pretending high * Panzer isn’t as good “because scaling” is just a pathetic troll attempt. Her bronze scales just fine, as do the rest of her stats. Anyone can do a challenge, set the level to “Platinum” in the bottom left, and watch Panzer shred. I’ve played several duels with people using Heim/Phalanx and all it means is that I have to finish the job with a few of my (20) supercharged shotgun shells. Then I move to the next target with ~16 shells and usually kill them too before I have to reload.

The fact Nailfox is legitimately putting out “you can stagger her Breach 1 second into the match” and “some heroes can 1v1 her” as defenses just shows that there really isn’t a legitimate defense to how stupidly OP she is.

9* Plat Panzer player here.

Her 30 second bonus damage needs reducing to 20seconds.

Breach damage should be changed from Mechanical to standard.

Dogface rounds need reducing to 15 (Fire at will)


And what about Keel?
We must chop her at the knees.
Keel is giving me a lot of headaches in PVP.

Meanwhile Steele and Bolt are just floating in the breeze…

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Bolt just need more health and he’s good to go.
Ronin then? Who is he even?

I wish there was a quit button so I don’t have to spend time waiting to lose.

This is the biggest problem.

Someone creates a topic about a hero being OP, and it gets around 100 comments. Someone creates a topic about Castellan’s turret being ridiculously weak and it gets no attention.

While I agree that heroes like Panzer or Dogface are too dominant, it should be more important that in 120 days of game play I have NEVER seen Oro, Steele, Ronin, Bolt, etc in a PvP match (not counting bots)

I know some heroes shine more in PvE (like Halloway or Hivemind, who are beast once they have everything deployed) and may be useful even if not seen in PvP or coops.

But I wonder if someone uses Steele at all

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I used to like Steele but he’s fallen behind. I have a gold version at 5*, he’s evolveable to 7* - maybe something I should try and see what that makes of him?
As for Oro and the gang (incl. Steele), these heroes are not only pretty… Meh… But they’re also hard to find! Strictly expensive crates only. Maybe they were available upon their release but most players weren’t in the game at that time.
Same with Holloway - never seen him in PVP but I know he isn’t bad. Some, very few, players have a strong Holloway and they keep saying if only more people had him at a high level we’d see him frequently in PVP. He’s farmable in Hard Chapter 7 and 8 - most people who reach and 3* these missions are already too busy with their Mandrakes and Dogfaces to care about building a new 3* from scratch.
Holloway is one 1 of 3 characters I don’t have yet, Artemis being another and Beck the third one.

I think you should just let her suicide bomb instead… a death for a death.

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Oro is a freak at gold if he survives the activation. It’s like having dogface.

In PVP, Steele, Oro and Ronin seem to be those “this is all I have left to run” type of characters. Literally only seen Steele once, and I have never seen Bolt.

I mean the Bots don’t even select them.

That sounds interesting but I don’t believe it. I might try and find out.

People really want to OVER NERF.
things that I have read.

  • Reduce ammo.
  • 1st skill will no longer start at full (her 2nd is trash ~ 1st long time to activate)
  • Reduce/ Overnerf damage
  • Reduce Health
  • move her to Frontline (because someone said Panzer = Tank)

Her DPS is strong. True. But most of the people complaining about her are people who abuse the over-leveled/Starred Flatline and Nightingale on PVP. :joy::joy::joy:

before she 1 shots your hero with her 1st some conditions must be met.

  • your energy hero must be a virgin.
  • The one she targets is squishy. (ofc it will die)
  • others that i’m lazy to type.

Still her nerf is inevitable. So no need to cry over my post.

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