Panzer's Bronze Skill (Breach and Clear) is too strong

@Poobgloob, very early 90’s kid?



@Poobgloob 92 :joy: :+1:


holy shyet… so many pazers now. Nightingale and butter get KO the first 5 seconds.

I personally hate all of the outcry to make a new hero nerfed. Lately, it always seems whenever a new hero launched, there is always a sudden outcry of nerf. And those same people who call for a nerf are always the same people that say the devs went too far. EX. Halo. I say, just learn how to play with her and come up with a good plan to defeat her.

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Repost of mine from another thread:

While I am NOT on board with a nerf (she holds a spot in my heart since I received her from the contest). I do feel I should give some input since after so many complaints, it is inevitable she will be reworked.

So, what I would like to suggest is to leave her the way she is - but make her breach and clear unable to insta-kill. Therefore she has the ability to chunk enemy health, as she is a breach specialist. but allows the enemy time to move their hero around and recover from what they currently just lost in health.

I’m sure I’ll be scolded and ridiculed for this idea because I’m defending a hero that no one likes. Even if she is a literal one trick pony and has no late game sustain, but I don’t want to see a potentially great hero turn into nothing but a roster trophy that sits on the shelf.

As always,
Best wishes and happy hunting.

  • Cap

Please, enlighten me. How can you play against a hero that, in the best scenario, can oneshot three heroes in 3 seconds without even using her weapon :slight_smile:

The only possible “counterplay” to this hero is that enemy AI hurts your squishy heroes before she oneshots them.

The outcry for an Oracle nerf was good since what made her OP was basically a glitch. Can’t remember I saw outcries for nerfin Caine, Cinder and Flatline.

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@Marcorr To be honest, that passives also had 50% proc chance was a little bit to much, you just saw Baron and Halo.

your screen just froze because of all the energy spikes then it was game over, killing her wasn’t possible because 90% was using keel in that combo and if you at a mandrake to the mix it was just game set match.

Huggins confirmed she will get changes in August, still too long of a wait IMO.

I’m also convinced her weapon needs a slight nerf, slightly smaller capacity like 16.

Even if you screw up breach, 20 shotgun shells will GG any equal power energy hero. Unlike other high dps guns like Clyde, she isn’t that squishy and shotguns mean you can’t just hide in cover. Her plat is basically like starting every match with a dogface that’s had both his skills active, she will shred any energy hero with them, even tanks.

Why not make her as powerful as Galante? The we can all put her in the box of Heroes we don’t use and be done with her once and for all? If she is not able to kill a hero in the beginning of the match (at max lvl vs max lvl) then its no use to have her at all, is there? If she is too strong at low levels then that is totally different from at high level fights, consider then the scale of how strong she start at 3-6 stars and not 8-10 stars.

There you go. I hope you feel enlightened


Not really. You just posted a screenshot where Panzer didn’t kill any energy hero.

That can be because:

A) Player B was autoing/not controlling her. Panzer shoots before using Breach and Clear if controlled by AI, so she may have prevented her own condition to activate.

B) Player B was bad and didnt try to oneshot your Flatline. Flatline’s gold can save Panzer’s Breach and Clear target. But since Flatline’s will be the first target for her Breach and Clear 99% of the times, I wouldn’t say that Flatline really counters Panzer.

C) Player B didn’t have Breach and Clear leveled up correctly. I have fought a few Panzers with level 30-40 skills an they were not able to oneshot nothing.

D) You were lucky that her allies hurt her target before she could use Breach and Clear, effectively reducing the damage around 60% and allowing your hero to survive.

E) Player B did everything correctly and you truly managed to somehow survive her brutal burst without any hero that boost survival like Heimlock or Phalanx, which, honestly, I doubt.

The only way to not die to her is either dumb luck or a bad rival. When I said “enlighten me”, I was talking about what actual counter do you use for her not to oneshot your Flatline. I’m honestly curious.

If you stagger Panzer when she will use “Breach and clear” she loose that first charge…

You have no time to break her cover, so the only hero who can stagger her fast enough should be Sentry. 65% to stagger her or be oneshotted and play 4vs5 sounds quite risky. A match being decided in the first 3 secs is boring, in my opinion.

There are other hero’s who will kill Panzer one on one from the start of the game at high level.

By the time Odachi, Maven or any other Bio kills her, she will have already killed someone most of the times. Do we really want a PvP where heroes die in 3 secs?

Look and that and tell me you really think it’s fine. She oneshotted TWO heroes in 3 secs. And Odachi, with same stars and gear wasn’t able to stop it.

If you bring Flatline or Nightingale then yes… The whole idea with Panzer was to be good in the start then she is poor afterwards… use the elements, there are pro and con’s on whatever team you choose, depending on you you will be matched against.

GT Saiko, that picture would been very different at 9-10star plat matches… as I said earlier consider how strong she is from 3-5 start and scale her down in there, not at 8-9 stars.

Well, then keep her strenght levels for 9-10 stars and reduce it for lower stars. You can’t say that just because the problem doesn’t affect you, there is no problem.

But I have a picture of a 8* gold Gale being killed by a 4* silver Panzer in one attack, too. My 5* Panzer has been MVP with my 8/9* team many times, so I have a hard time believing she won’t perform any good at 10*, to be honest.