The SANE Panzer fix

I am okay with the first suggestion, but the second one would totaly change gameplay.

you dont level Heroes to Gold 2 and then stop. It would be just a waste of ressoruces, because you get no value out of it. And because a Gold 2 hero isn´t stronger than a gold hero, so it wouldn´t change the outcome of matches.

I think gold should be allowed with platinum, biggest problem imo are gold 5* with platinum 9* in a team, today I got shredded by a 5* panzer because he was just shooting all my covers to pieces, all reloads on my heros just broke and the rest of his op combination team just picked me of on by one, panzer destroys cover as fast as Baron platinum…

True it’s a gameplay change, which will limit the lineup one will use in the team. Which means one has to level up the team accordingly, that way if will really force us to think carefully on how n who we level up in the team.

Which in the long run will lead to a level playing field.

No surprise I woke up today started PVP and this is what I got Panzer handing me my ass Then Baron and the rest of these fucks run amok with these new infinity gauntlet squads in PVP
HH developers panzer it’s fucking up the infrastructure for anyone trying to game at high levels as well as casual and the tournaments are just fucked
if you don’t have panzer you basically don’t have a chance of victory in high-level PVP matches
I don’t know where to lay blame Matchmaking or the heroes I choose
So I choose the blame Panzer
Screenshot below Of infinity Gauntlet Squad

Tried strategy to know Avail
This dude lineup is garbage compared to mine
Fortress and hardscope both have a Upgraded skins but
Long as you have panzer it doesn’t matter

Well, it’s entirely possible that the Health & Healing update coming next month will somewhat resolve the Panzer issue without having to tweak her kit much, if at all. Having higher starting health for all heroes and lower healing ought to make it more difficult for her to knock out one or two heroes right from the jump and less effective healing from Keel (Panzer + Keel is straight nasty due to Panzer’s cover-breaking acumen) will impact her survivability.

Not saying that she couldn’t still use some fine-tuning but I would prefer that they take the route they took with Dogface in terms of balancing. A modest adjustment to start and see how it goes from there.

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As I said in the original PVP thread I don’t think her ability should be available at roundstart. The alternative is to nerf its damage but that just forces her into an ugly niche where either she blows up an energy hero immediately or she fails to get an early kill and you basically lose the game on the spot because she’s a one-trick pony.

Keeping the bronze skill’s strength but delaying it to 10-20s would still let her counter healer comps and force the player to think strategically about who to hit it with. The full-health bonus could also apply to a % of enemy health so that you could chunk tanks with it instead of just mindlessly firing it at a squishy.

Her shotgun will need a slight nerf too, even if breach was changed to 1 damage she’d still see regular play because her shotguns will annihilate ANY equal strength energy hero. My 6* panzer doesn’t hesitate to destroy *6 Gammond/Fortress/Barron/Butter/etc with her opening shotgun spray, its over in a few seconds for them.

My problem with delaying its use, is how many heroes have full health even 2 or 3 seconds in, let alone 10-20? No idea best solution for that.

But… Her plat reads 30s at start of match. I would like to see that at 20s at start of phase. Would weaken it a tad for PvP, but make it better for PvE. (assuming it doesn’t already do that part for phases, by how it is read)

Edit: Could make her first clip per phase get the plat bonus instead too

Let’s wait the coming update out, the health improvement will solve a lot, she’ll probably not one shot anymore, and other hero’s will be useful for a change, can’t wait for new useful hero’s like oro, mauler, etc, you name them :grinning:


Yeah that Oro guys looks like he has lots of health but is frail as a shrimp!

Just ranting here, Panzer should be removed from the game in its current form. No fun or chance to win against a team with her. Fix would be possible but al those that spent money will cry.

There should be a hige trade of for insta killing enemy heroes at the start of the game. Like death of Panzer aka Kamikaze. Some people compare her to Fortress but that is not even close as he can be ignoring or killed to avoid the effect.

I spent money for Panzer and I’m welcoming a fix / rebalance and I wouldn’t be said if they removed her from competitive modes until she’s balanced.

Good to hear but not sure that everyone feels the same.

uhhhhh her bronze ability does NOT make her a one trick pony. The damage her basic attacks do pretty much kill any energy hero (or mech even) before her clip even gets close to running out.

Even when I play with her and one shot the first energy hero and kill the next hero in 3-4 seconds with her basic attacks, I feel bad for other guy. It’s just pure OP bullshit.

TL;DR this whole post. Maybe some people feel she isn’t as OP as I do, but I think she’s bullshit at this point. It’s like the devs/testers didn’t even test this hero out and just sent her out into the wild to wreck face. EVERY SINGLE encounter I’ve had with her is stupid. She’s too tanky, does too much damage, and has an ability to use right at the start? It’s like having Ryker’s rocket launcher ability right at the start, except it travels faster and seems to do more damage.
Gimme a break.

PS. Twenty shots at the start, and she can reload one by one, so interrupting her reload doesn’t really do shit. Oh and the shots spray so you don’t even have to aim well.

Your last sentence got me wondering about a tweak that might help to balance her out a bit without ruining her niche (heavy DPS to start a match)…what if you changed her shotgun so that rather than buckshot it fired slugs instead? And those slugs were more like Gammond’s basic attack where they A) weren’t as effective at breaking cover and B) You can’t break cover AND damage an opponent at the same time.

One of the most irritating things about Panzer is how she can both burst down heroes while also breaking cover because even if she doesn’t get a kill before she has to start reloading, she’s constantly staggering making reloads and casting your own specials extremely difficult. It’s especially troublesome when she’s paired with Keel. If you make it so she fires slugs so that her cover break efficiency goes down by 33%-50% and she has to actually aim a bit to either shoot cover OR the hero, I think her effectiveness goes way, way down. Still a great hero but hopefully not game-breaking. She’s a mid-line hero after all…doesn’t seem fair that she’s better at destroying cover than basically every front-liner.

Her Bronze is a little OP, not denying that. But if you make it not usable at start of match the skill sucks. The only way if that happens, for the bonus to kick in, is if they are healed back to full.

I see them lowering the damage as a good thing, but not putting a delay on its first use. Don’t forget there is a health rework coming as well.

We must have slightly different experiences when using her. I don’t know how many times I didn’t get to even use my Bronze because of KB, stagger or what not, and it going away because it was being used at the time. I also have had her die, in less than 5 seconds as well. And this is at same-ish power as the rest of my team.

@OlderDude, done with the complaining about PvP or panzer atm to be honest, just waiting out for the new update.

But you make it sound like her bronze is the only thing that is good on her, if you look at these 2 screenshots you can see she even whipes out an odachi in 3 seconds with her shotgun

I did say change her plat too, lowering its time, or making it first clip per area. I wouldn’t be upset by a shorter clip either. Was 3 post above this one.

While Odachi being taken out that fast sucks, I would assume she wasn’t the only one hitting him. There are 5 characters on each team, and Nightingale actually hits pretty hard. I am looking forward to the health and healing rework.

I use Nightingale normally to, she’s amazing, but after odachi, panzer just wiped heimlock

Be cool to see a farther breakdown of damage dealt.

Would be interest to see how much of Odachi’s and Heimlock’s damage taken was from each character (or even each skill). I would assume the dev’s know, so they can tweak. Be nice to see it ourselves though too.