April 2020 Update Notes - The Marlowe Update

Had a question for all . As the update comes at different times to Android Users and iPhone users , what happens when a Android user who has updated the application is against a iPhone user who has not upgraded the application ? These can happen in both PVP and Co-op Raids . If a hero is buffed like Maven or Ghoul and we both use it , then which skills would work in that case ? Had this question for a long time now …

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It won’t happen. You cannot be matched up against someone on a different version of the game. The system will only match you with your own version.


Okay . Thanks for the information .

I’ve met several people in PvP already with Marlowe in their lineups, but in my game she’s listed as unavailable. Did get a Marlowe Crate coin as a login bonus, but nothing to open with it. Very odd, am I missing something? Use both Android and iOS btw, it’s the same on both devices. Don’t have any special crates or anything.

She’s currently in the 5 Star crate and the Most Wanted Crate. Her main feature crate will be releasing soon.


Don’t have any of those crates. Strange…

Those crates only show if you have the tokens for them.

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Some general notes:

  1. Some Crates appear all the time.
  2. Some Crates only appear when you have a token for them in-hand.
  3. Some Crates only appear when you have a token for them in-hand AND they’re also currently up for offer.

There are a ton of tokens and Crates in our game, but every one of them falls into one of the above. If you can’t see a crate or don’t have a token, look to those three conditions. It’s definitely one of them, and very unlikely to be a bug or a mistake. If you can’t see a Crate, it’s likely because of 2 or 3. If you have a token and can’t see a Crate, it’s 3.


You can get Most Wanted token from bounty…
If ur alliance managed to reach the #1 milestone…

Inside the MW crates, there’s a chance to get the 5* token…

That explains it!
The two Marlowe crates appeared last night, so it’s all good.
Thanks a lot for clarifying, lads!

Hold up,

She does THAT MUCH DAMAGE??? Dang.


That’s not even fully upgraded. At Lv.90, Plat-3, 8* Whiplash deals 200k damage. Absolutely brutal. :slight_smile:

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about Ghoul buff for Improvised Bomb.
how instant is “instantly”?
I’ve been testing its skill, but it doesn’t explode when it lands. it’s just same as before update; it explode when enemy
in contact with that bomb.

mind explaining what does “detonated instantly” means?

Bravoo lamie bien dit

Thoughts on Marlowe so far… she seems ok. She’s one of those heroes that takes a few to warm up. Those horse whips are insane. I wish the skill was a little faster when going off, and that her primary would do more damage to cover. Aside from that, she’s pretty cool. Just some early comments on her so far… nice job on her tho.

If her skills went off any faster, she’d be way OP as i think her whip does the single most damage in game. The next closest is yanlong.

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It’s definitely up there as one of the highest, no doubt. I believe Serial’s You’re Coming With Me and Astrix’s Slugger Round deal higher damage at equivalent levels.

Marlowe takes gold Bio canisters

Her weapon says assault but it’s a shotgun… doesn’t really bother me but it’s a tiny bit confusing.

It doesn’t explode instantly, it instead will “Arm” instantly. Before th update it would take a few seconds to arm itself before it could explode, now it can explode instantly when an enemy is nearby.

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