Hero Spotlight: Striker

I doubt it but maybe one day you’ll decide it’s worthy of War season rewards, would make sense as a reward for doing a months work

I opened 40 Duran crates, stilll no Duran :frowning:

Just wait to unlock doing coops. It’s a waste of gold

Striker’s drones do not activate Halo’s lightning, but Halloway’s drones do…why is that?

@Muninn I forgot to tag you in this. Thanks for the bounty changes!!

Yesterday I manual play gauntlet & had matched with Striker team. Forgot to take vid recorder & which sector is she.
But i remember her drone have giving shield right before enemies die. (Note: she also with Caine on rear line)
Both Caine & Striker herself do got shield when i wanna kill them. So the results are need more time to kill due to they have been like unlimited health.hehe

2 tough survivor + some drones :joy:, yet i must replay that sector over and over again to win with less casualties.:sweat_smile:

When do you plan on fixing his glitch? Hes broken. After 30 sec or so his skills lock out and cant be used anymore. This happens in every game mode…pvp, pve, bounty, coop, and gaunlet

Rebel if possible can you try and get a video of this, Crank and Raz were trying to help Nikon and Skathi get more information on this bug. If you can get a Video recording of this happening and forward it on Discord that would really help :slight_smile:

I don’t but I can try. Mostly it’s video size that would hamper posting it.

Video size does not matter, you can upload to youtube or sent a google drive link or any way. Just seems this is a bug that is only coming about sometimes and isn’t widely reported. So any extra evidence may help

Let me reshoot in higher def and ill send to you tube

Hero hunters strykers skill lock out

On youtube

Based on watching your video I suspect the lockout is due to you only being allowed 3 drones on the field, but can’t be certain. I put the video on discord for the devs to see when they come back tomorrow, hopefully they can clarify what’s happening

Upon further testing, me and Rebelpath have concluded that it doesn’t matter what type of drone, if there are 3 drones on the field at one time it causes Striker to be silenced for the rest of the game. Even if all her drones are destroyed she remains silenced.

We tried 3 hunter drones and it silenced, we tried 3 shield drones and it silenced and we tried a mix and still silenced. However we discovered it only silences at 3 max, so if one drone is out and I shoot it down, Rebel could still bring up 3 more drones. There is no arbitrary cap per match.

Consequently, we also discovered Striker’s shield drones (silver skill) don’t die after 10 seconds like they should, they remained up for the entire 2 minutes remaining of the match.

Hope this gets fixed soon :slight_smile:

@Muninn @LordNikon

There is a youtube video link on Discord if you would like to see that as well

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Owh, this makes me want to ask other “skill active times” also.
i.e: Halo’s Protective Glow expires in 3 secs, & Nightingale’s blinding shot stun for 3secs also. But in reality, their effects are longer than 3secs.

Tho honestly i like it cuz they have long durations, but at least tell us on skill info if they have changed on time section.

Nightingale has decrease ability too, but maybe I’ll highlight this one in another post.

The shields only last for 10 seconds, the drones arent supposed to die off. It is in the skill description.

Also did a few pvp matches with myself and the skills do work as intended. if you have three up you cannot build anymore, if one or more of them gets killed you can then build back up to three.


how about the attacking drone activating Halo’s lightning attack?

Why you announce new player every month…

To keep the game fresh with a new hero to add to the collection