January 2021 Update Notes - The Icebox Update

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Okay. This hero is now viable, its awesome. Perfectly balanced between easy to kill but deadly. Shes a new astrix, but more focused on a single target. Shes awesome.



My only issue is the skins, Nanodust currency is slowly losing its value now for some mid end players since most skins that aren’t uncommon can’t be purchased with it so getting duplicates from the skin crate will become much more frustrating.

I still won’t use her :joy:

I always thought she was a cool character in look and story. Now she’s actually fun to use. I actually voted for her in the Rykers for most needing of a buff so I’m glad she got something.

I really don’t understand the Oracle nerf. This game would be more amazing if none of these heroes who didn’t need a nerf weren’t given one. I remember Panzer and Yeager in their primes.

I love Oracle but she’s not a TANK or damage focused hero to begin with this so who decided that her coordinated strike was “too coordinated”. I doubt any of the players.


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