Hero Spotlight: Shivs

I think you mean the Devs came down with 2.50. It’s disgusting what they’ve done to this game.


Actually, the 5* hero thing is cool and new.
The main problem is the limit of the fragments, not only is it annoying but it is also counter-productive.
If they really don’t want to remove the limit, at least let them make sure that the limit increases as the level rises, like liv 90 -> 16 frag or more.

Not sure if you’ve read this, but the stance has been made very clear:

To all those who are upset about Shivs,
Here’s a word from dev that there might be a way to get Shivs faster.

Condsider yourselves to or not to keep going to complain, but remember that there’s still will be a hope of getting her, or maybe the pg bounty won’t be that bad without Shivs.

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@NyrisWintersteel That says absolutely nothing about getting Shivs faster.

In fact, it says exactly the opposite. He’s saying that despite not having her, it won’t be that bad; making it clear that there will not be any alternative unlock method.

What he’s much more likely indicating is that there won’t be an overwhelmingly high number of “shivs required” bounties like there were during the first Magistrates bounty with Brogan. Since barely anyone had him, it completely blocked up the bounty list with no way to clear it. I wrote a detailed bounty feedback post at that time if you’d like more information.


I would prefer we are given an option to flat out buy a new hero at a fixed price say 20 to 30 bucks and be done with it. Another option for a five star unlock would be to feature the new hero in solo raids with a cap at 100 frags and we get the rest from co-ops.

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I think whats actually being said here from both sides is that its a peoples guard bounty, so between that and magistrates, Most people should already have a decent level on those heroes from last time.
I suspect people might see some PB breakers this month.

I also suspect that my halo will bring a better game @ 12k than my shank & shivs @ 7 & 7K

That’s not the point. Some of the existing heroes will surely make more than shivs but people wants new featured hero to be accessible before bounty. If hero sucks (not saying she sucks) it doesnt matter if hero is 1* or 7*. So using the argument that they made 5* hero easy to get is invalid. This is the first time that 90% of players wont be able to get featured hero for the bounty since they always were adding 3* heroes to coops

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I do echo @CptLappo and his comments about 5*. I’m personally totally fine with 5 stars, and I can understand the sentiments behind it. My trouble is with the increased propensity to make content only accessible via payments. Is it impossible to obtain it, no, but I don’t believe this way of accessing heroes improves the enjoyment of the game. Just my thoughts on it.

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I just dont understand how the new toon is a 4% chance to get with the crate and after 6 crates still no new toon im sorry but i dont see 4% and all the other toons 1% and i pull galante 2 times in 1 crate these odds dont add up

Edited to remove. Misunderstood and assumed this was with respect to the gilded crate.

Besides what people are saying about the step up crate, i know you all take alot of heat daily. You guys did a great job with this one! Shiv is super badass and fun to play.

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You dont have to be vip to spend gold. I really dont see your point there.

Shivs seems like a great character after battling her in PVP. Nice job there HHG!

I’m all for new 5 stars being added to the game, and I think most players are too. The mistake might be making them the spotlight character of the month. It only serves a handful of players while the rest will be less motivated for the monthly events having no new bonus character to experiment with. It’s like if Commando was used as the spotlight character last month, it would’ve served very few. Some players in my alliance have already mentioned taking a break, so I’m expecting effort to be low in the upcoming events which results in a lowball effort from me as well.

It’s a shame the criticism over her release is overshadowing the character itself, cause she really does seem like a powerhouse.


She’s super fun! Damage to cover is low, but once she gets her bonuses going, she’s like Panzer without the need to reload. I have a lot of fun with her.

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Dang, I would of rather paid the $20 and get guaranteed Shiv

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I dont have that offer wth

Look close! It’s a Booster Offer, triggering when you unlock Shivs. If you unlock her, you’ll get it too.