Hero Spotlight: Krieger

I think he will pair well with marianas & halo. :thinking:

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Varios ya lo tienen y no se como no lo bro en las cajas

I have updated the game 20+ times but keep asking for updates

No hay cajas en este momento. Algunos jugadores lo tienen porque la moneda “Most Wanted”

From @neogens


how to get this hero. Is there a Krieger event going on coz I can’t see in my game

If you hit Milestone 1 during bounty events you will unlock 5 Most Wanted crate tokens, the new hero is always in these crates. People do both bounties in the month and wait for the new update, they then open the crates to try their luck at getting the new hero.

We will also see the new hero crate when the alliance fragments blitz event starts, you can see the timing in your events under “Coming Soon” menu. I think we receive a free crate for him as soon as it starts through a log-in calendar as well.

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What…a… great… hero! Seriously. Very well balanced. Super fun, Excellent job to Whoever made him. :call_me_hand:t2:

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