Hero Hunters - The Next Chapter


Today, we are excited to announce the next chapter for Hero Hunters with the acquisition of the game by SuperCompany!

Why is this happening?

This industry, as many others, is a very dynamic one and sometimes, a shift of priorities is necessary - that shift can include new challenges, as well as requiring changes in internal structure and resources.

We are extremely grateful for the time spent with the game and the community, it has been an incredible experience for the whole team. Now it’s time to start a new chapter both for us and for the game.

Who is SuperCompany?

SuperCompany is specialized in taking older mobile games and giving them new life - they have experience in the mobile market, with their games published under “Supercharge Mobile”. Their portfolio includes games like “FoxOne”, “Helicopter Simulator”, and more.
They will also be introducing themselves in a separate announcement in the following days, so keep an eye out for it!

What’s next?

The transition has already started - most of you who have been here for a while have already gone through one so you are familiar with how it goes. It’s of utmost importance for us to assist the Super team by providing them with all the information needed and the transition going as smoothly as possible, not only for us and them, but most importantly for you - the players. The new team is aware how important this community has been for the game both during Hothead and Deca times.

While the transition is ongoing, starting after the release of the upcoming 8.0, updates will be released once every six weeks compared to once every four weeks as it was before. We’re doing this to make sure we can provide you with all the usual content you are used to while transferring knowledge between the teams, as well as undergoing internal restructuring. Please keep in mind that this release schedule is subject to change once the Super team fully takes over.

Last but definitely not least - please be welcoming and patient with them. While we will do our best to assist them with everything they might need, we are also fully aware of the complicated nature of the game, so please give them some time to get used to everything.

  • Sincerely, your Hero Hunters Team

There goes the neighborhood well maybe its time to retire with deca its all going downhill from here updates every 8 weeks like 6 wasnt long enough and the same bounty war bounty war bounty war nothing new sad but true

Not surprised but claiming the update was delayed due to unforseen issues, all the while the new owners are clearly visible in Playstore but questions about this on Facebook get deleted is a bit crummy. Not a fan of smokescreening


Appreciate the concern! Speculation is not a good thing and panic can arise from it. If anything was deleted, it was out of such worries.

The delay in the update was indeed caused by unforeseen issues which don’t have anything to do with the transition.

I hope you can understand.

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This game was not old, but with the policy of DECA’s company, it fell into a bad situation, I wish HOTHEAD would have continued or withdrawn it.

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I’m a fairly new player (in fact, I’ve only played hh for just over 6 months) so this’ll be something new for me. On the other hand, I think major updates rolling out every 6 weeks is an overall great change not only for the transition but also for the players as it gives us more time to upgrade preexisting heroes more, prepare for the next season better and let’s us do it at a more relaxed pace. All in all, I wish the best to both teams and hopefully this transition will complete smoothly. Will be waiting for further announcements!


Can’t believe I am still around to go through a second change in Devs. I hope this can change the game for the better, but that’s what I said last time. I for sure miss HHG but thanks to DECA for keeping the game afloat during their ownership


Well we may as well put some thoughts in…
New war maps
New PVP maps
New content
More brackets
More rewards in bounty
Please do like mega bounties worth something in the billions
More modes
Something new for war? 3 stars? More battle points? Or it resets every so many hours than 24? Get some of the older devs back.
Revamp old heroes too. Mythic skins?
Introduce more factions.
Bring more forged fantasy over.
Maybe add a spaceship to travel other galaxies? New heroes? New maps. New modes for us to do.
Give us more events too.
More ways to earn most wanted crates. Please, we don’t want heroes in the crates, give us tokens for that instead.
Bounty we need more variety. A mega or a boss worth over a billion. Update the rewards we need void and astral frags added. Add more tiers.
Do some other event than war and bounty for alliances.
Do festivals. Not sure if we had any gilded festivals?
Create more skins. Different perks to them.
Ruby… let’s get past ruby… also we’ve been stuck on level 100 forever now. Add levels please! So it can be more diverse.
Do skins with skill changes. Go past mythic. Make older heroes new again.
Please be good with the graphics.
It’s easy for most players to upgrade the 1 new hero a month.
Add a few at once.
Maybe war exclusive, bounty exclusive, daily exclusive, Gorgon exclusive, gauntlet exclusive, pvp exclusive and so forth. Makes it fun again to do these things because now we have to grind for it. Give us core frags as prizes…
Maybe add pets, I don’t know.
We need more new things to do daily.
More events.


You should be more realistic with your ask. New owner will need time to decipher the code, so I would not expect any more new features.

A simple ask from @Deca_Willow to pass on to the new devs would be:

  1. New PVP Bracket
  2. New Alliance War Bracket

There is a serious glass ceilings for new players and just adjusting those 2 would make the game more welcoming. Imagine if your alliance finally get to 25M and then pitted in points against some of the legacy alliances. They’ll never break the through, lose hope and leave the game.

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I’m not asking for this overnight. But ideas to do in coming months… the game has been the same and can use new content…
If you don’t ask they’ll never know we were interested in it.
It’s something they can work on or plan to.
Maybe in 6 months we’re see something.

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I get it.

The PvP Bracket + WAR bracket has not changed in over 4 years. As a matter of fact, nothings changed except new season, new character, new skin. You can ask for a filet, but you’re going to continue to get meat loaf sandwich.

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Bigger topics like War and PVP Brackets, matchmaking and more, I have already shared with your next community manager. There’s no need to worry that such points will get missed. But I also encourage you to keep sharing them.


It doesn’t hurt to mention things… maybe an idea they’ll run with and In the months coming something small appears. They may try to do something than nothing… it’s a new company so new things we can hope for…
It be cool to have hero hunters enter a space ship to create more dynamics and different looking heroes…
Or to come to the game an a map we never see…
Or an event we never seen…
We wouldn’t get these things if we didn’t ask for them…
Sometimes Diners or Restaurants need to see us ordering and they may supply… maybe we’re get a Filet with a side of meatloaf lol

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I get it and I appreciate your enthusiasm.

When you’ve played and invested in as much time as some of us has in this game; you’ll come to understand that it’s better to have low to no expectations and be pleasantly surprise when something does happen.

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the game released globally in 2018 in the playstore. So that is quite old in terms of a mobile game.

And the status has actually been much better in the hands of DECA than it was with HHG

Sounds good! Cant wait for the new team to get into place and see what happens!

I hope that the new company will take the important matters in hand and take longer between each update to push out balancing changes and expansion. It will be better than ignoring the obvious reasons why this game is dying


Old means useless here and DECA does not reach the HHG at all

game is old, thats a written fact. HHG isnt part of the game anymore. They sold it and moved on.

Thanks to DECA for continuing this game and hopefully the best is yet to come!! Excited to see what’s next