Halloween Scavenger Hunt Google Doc 2020

Normal, Hard, Gauntlet.

Nowhere else.


give us more specific clue, please…

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We’ve heard talk of people expecting us to tell them where the last two are. Don’t rely on that or assume we’ll rescue you. Keep trying. You have a week left.


For the betterment of society, nation wants to know the location of rest 2 pumpkins before this event ends… I believe we’ll find our silver lining

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We don’t need the exact locations just tell us the district number.


Nah. You can keep looking. They’re either in Campaign, Hard, or Gauntlet, and some levels have more than one pumpkin. Good luck.


If you know it, you can tell us, you know this life is too short, together we can do it, we’ll still have fun in this game without the remain pumpkin, if you really know it and you don’t wanna tell, you may be in this shoe one day or never… Thanks


In-game says 3 days 9h remain(a week does this not make)


Better get going, then!


U know Muninn is throwing hints left and right let’s go looking cause I have been so just want to say ty Muninn for narrowing my search

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What kind of hints did he give so far?

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None in specific, but plenty all around. Mininn is one of the original “raven” mods, :wink: , and likely knows the locations due to being consistently within the confines of Olympus, but has no reason, just like all the other mods, to give any of us any hints whatsoever, unless they they get a hair up their a$$ to do so.

The whole reason of the communal event, and the length that it extends, is so we can all work, simply put… as a community, plain and simple.

There is no reason to cry every time you beg for a hand out and none is given, so is life, and I am personally grateful hothead generally practices the essentials of life in general. Life generally sucks unless you take some initiative of your own, so do your part and search for 85 and 100 like the rest of us and help the community in whole if you so happen to stumble across a nice glowing pumpkin or two.

P.S. all this is written in a drunken haze, so if there is any misspelling or excessive rambling, I apologize in advance :heartpulse:


I rewatched part of the stream to see if there was anything I missed, and we will be getting hints on the forum sometime tomorrow. Seems like it’s a better idea to just wait and get the hint, as Muninn said that we could search for the pumpkins ourselves but they are in some evil spots.

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Has anyone found #85?

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Bro r u found 85# and 100#?

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Surely the last 2 pumpkins may be found in campaign 14 hard…just narrowing it down. :thinking:

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Where are #85, #100?

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We broke $24k for Extra Life! As promised, hints:

#85 is in District 6, Mission 10 in Campaign, normal difficulty. Look all around you!

For #100, something more cryptic:

Remember the point where a persistent foe
crossed the line and became an ally.

Good luck!


(#85) 6-10 Normal, Wave 1, Frontline, move to the right, and start to destroy the benchs off in the distance. There is one cover behind the rest, which is hard to hit, but if you break it, it’s right behind it. Just shoot in the general area and you should get it.


You are so quick dude lol good job. One pumpkin to gooooo!!!