Forged Fantasy forum?

This was mentioned awhile ago, in September 2018 before the release of this game. Perhaps this is not the place for this question, if so the devs can close it and that will be that. I’m curious, with the release of Forged Fantasy, if there will be a forum for Forged Fantasy. If I cannot get a confirmation, so be it.

I’ll pass this along to the team. I believe their current plan was to use their Discord server as a sudo-forum.

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Ok. Thx for the heads up

Any new development on this? Not having a forum for this game really hurts. Long form discussion, solid feedback/suggestions, and monthly calendars and updates are really hard to do through discord efficiently. This is always the place I come for new HH content. FF will not do well without that. People really want to plan for events and changes. FF has already done a few things differently than HH does and that throws people off.

Updates on that topic will come when we have them. Thanks!