Community Clash 2024!

Hello Hunters!

I assume you have seen the other post, but even if you haven’t…

Welcome to “Community Clash 2024”! - the event which celebrates you, the players!

For those who are unaware, Community Clash is an event, in which you submit a team of five Heroes and tell us what’s special about it! Ten winning teams will be selected and become boss waves in an upcoming Danger Sim event!

In order to enter, you just need to comment on this post with the following information:

Name: Your in-game name only, even if it matches with your Forum name.
Team Name: Name your five-Hero team! We would love to see some creative names but please keep it appropriate.
Team Composition: Choose five Heroes. You can use duplicates of the same Hero, if you want, or a Hero with a specific skin! All teams are subject to developer approval.
Team Description: Describe your team - what was the idea behind it? What would make it stand out from other teams?

Only one entry is allowed per person.

NOTE: Excluded Heroes

The following Heroes cannot be included in submissions. If one or more of them is, the entry will be invalid.

  • Phoenix
  • 4CEP
  • Flatline
  • Ifrit
  • Gammond
  • Illuminar
  • Valkyrie
  • Disarray
  • Ravager
  • Lwa
  • Morrigan
  • Altera

You can submit your teams starting now until 12AM UTC on March 5th!

Ten of the submitted teams will be selected by the Hero Hunters team and will be added as boss waves in the Danger Sim! You’ll be able to re-do your team with a Gorgon included if it gets selected for the Final boss wave.

All 10 winners will receive the special “Community Clash Champion” role in the Forum and Discord, as well as 1000 gold and an exclusive Portrait!

The rewards will be sent out after the Update including the Danger Sim goes live!

Can’t wait to see all of your creative teams and which ones we’ll fight against! Let the Clash begin!


My in game name is MUSHROOMOO1234

Th team name is “to the hell fire”

My team consists off

Elite rifle man Mr v
Cinder hell fire
Lancer klg
Maodor annilator
Spweage toxicity

The idea
I thought the red on everyone fit Valentine’s day and and the fire theme was cool


Name - Biebs145
Team Name - Electro Hunters
Team Composition - Min ( Cybertech Skin ), Orcale ( Sentinel skin ), Halo ( Frost Shock skin ), Kiyoshi ( Forged skin ) and Kurtz ( Shu Nian Skin )
Team Description - A fully Electric team with min’s protected shield. Whenever a opponent casts a skill, min will save her allies with her shield. Kurtz will revenge if opponent knock out his ally member and Orcale’s bombardment will trigger halo and kiyoshi skills.


Greek inventor

Team name: Zeus’s disciples
Team composition: halo, magnus , matador, bucket, Fischer…
To honor the Almighty ZEUS. his daughter Halo leads the" GREEK SQUAD " along with her brother matador ( Hercules )and sister bucket. Aka
( Aphrodite ) and uncle Magnus aka Posiden and their pet fish ( Greeks invented amphibians) to destroy and conquer all HH heros who dare to step into mt. olympia and steal ZEUS’S lightning bolt and his Greek salad with extra feta and extra tzatziki…


Team name is The last stop it includes ronin ravinger Yanlong halo game name SKINWALKER

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Team Name - SOMAcalypse
Team Composition - 5 S.O.M.A’s (voidfiend Skin)
Team Description - 5 3-legged sentry robots ready to attack anyone who seems hostile to them…


Idea:- people will struggle

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Hey, please include your in-game name and give a name to your team too ^^

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Aight hear me out

Team name: Love, Death and Robots
Team comp: MK2 (fiery shark) - Anvil (permafrost) - Galante (fiery liberator) - SOMA (voidfiend) - Gorgon (bc yes)
Team des: *a mysterious hacker managed to reprogram our “beloved” robots and its keeping them under their control;
What are their intention is unknown, but, a recent recon team has reported that there could be a potential invasion;
So, you (player) are in charged to find and neutralize this enemy as long as their army is still weak… and hope they didn’t already start the mass production

Am CPTLAPPO but i guess you already know that


Team Name: Highway to Hell
Team Comp: Cinder (Hellfire), Dreadnought (Deathnought), Callidus (Impaler), Snaps (Forged), Ballista (Wrath)
You’re on the highway to hell, looking to beat this danger sim, except you got on problem. Those five are blocking you. The only way is through them, the demons, the monsters, the devils. You likely won’t survive.

In-Game Name: PinepplePzza


Name: Supreme Hunta

Team name: Squad of Supreme Hunters/Supreme Squad of Hunters (SSH)

Team composition: Raven(Ghost), Prophet, Ballista(Wrath), Quasary(Futurisma), and Serial(Alive and well).

Team description: These incredible hunters are formidable in each of their own way and do a great deal of damage when unleashed to their maximum potential. With Raven acting as both a damage dealer and healer, Prophet constantly staggering with each decisive bullets, Ballista shaking the battle-field with each heavy destructive blow he deals as a tank, Quasary constantly holding the team together with her seriously potent shields and heals, and serial dishing out raw repetitive damage within seconds, it is safe to assume that a formidable team will need arise in order to bring them a worthy challenge and ultimately defeat these powerhouse’s of supreme hunters.



The heroes include
SOMA(with rare skin), Stygia(with rare skin), Orcale(with mythic), Magnus (with mythic), Alvarez(with rare skin)

Game name
b l u e


Game Name: imshahsagar
Team Name: survive
Team composition: Raven(Ghost Skin), Magnus(The Legend Of The Blue Sea Skin), Verrill(Detective Skin),
Matador(Annihilator Skin),
Quasary(Futurisma Skin)
Team Description: Because the chances of the opposing team losing seem higher.

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Hey there! Morrigan is included in the list of Heroes who are not allowed for the teams (you can see it in the post). Please redo your team submission and replace Morrigan with someone else ^^

Name: Firemanprime
Team name: You lose
Team composition:Quasary(mythic skin), Voltage, Voltage, Oracle (mythic skin), Oracle (mythic skin)
The idea: quick win

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In game Name: KazaTheKn9ne
Team Name: Crit-Lift-Tical
Team Comp: Bucket with rare skin, Caine with mythic skin , Quasary with mythic skin , Bypass with rare skin, Jackal with rare skin
Description: Getting lifted by Bucket and taking constant critical hits with Caine and Bypass bonuses would be a nice little challenge to catch some off guard.


Keep your distance!
By Avatar Serahl.
These 4 brave volunteers are here to help D.R Heimlock plaqúe to vaccinate every hunter against the wretched scourge virus that broke free from Spewage’s research lab!
The team consists of-
Duran (Bandit)
Heimlock (Plague doctor)
Ronin (streets samurai)
Salvatore (trench)

The idea: Doctor Plaqúe is distributing the vaccine with his 4 mask protected volunteers.

(Stay safe <3)


Name: Spektor189

Team name: The Critical Squad

Dias (Tactical)
Homerun (Hall of fame)
Bypass (overclocked)
Serial (Alive and well)
Nyx (Night recon)

This team boosts off with every critical hit they deal. Dealing higher damage the longer they’re alive on the battlefield. Having strong crowd control on the entire enemy team, penetrating and breaking huge sheilds, dealing high attack damage and skill damage they can kill any and every enemy in their paths.


This was the one of the best teams at old times
Nostalgia :wink:
This team provides a good defense and attacking team hive breaks the cover and if a hero dies Kurtz skill Would be activated and fiber gives a good coverage,serial takes the damage,verill does the damage



TEAM COMPOSITION 1x GORGON with 4x S.O.M.A withVoidfiend skin
TEAM DESCRIPTION Nothing can stand against a GORGON supported with 4 S.O.M.A.s. This will be their retribution after ONSLAUGHT from the last community clash. The rise of the Mechanical marvels has come to be your Final Boss wave to the upcoming Community clash.