Upcoming Events (March 25 - April 1)

Hello Hunters!

After getting a new shiny Mythic skin and a well deserved buff, Spewage will keep being a focus next week!

“Unstoppable” Co-Op Raid
March 25 - March 29

War Season
March 25 - March 29

Brawl: Elemental Wars
March 25 - March 26

Co-Op PVP Blitz!
March 26 - March 28

Tournament: Aurora and Keir
March 26 - March 28

Spewage Guaranteed Blitz Event!
March 28 - April 4

“Into The Dojo” Co-Op Raid
March 29 - April 12

“Alliance Victory Blitz!”
March 29 - April 1

Brawl: Faction Fight
March 29 - April 1

The main dish of the week will be frontlines!

See you there!


Where’s our Easter scavenger hunt?

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Hello! The Scavenger Hunt is coming, stay tuned!

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