Upcoming Events (Feb 20 - Feb 27)

Hello Hunters!

Duran will be the main star of next week! I hope all Duran wanters will be Duran havers after it! Let’s see what else is coming at the end of February:

“Enforcer” Co-Op Raid
Feb 20 - Feb 24

War Season
Feb 20 - Feb 24

Brawl: Elemental Wars
Feb 20 - Feb 21

Co-Op PVP Blitz!
Feb 21 - Feb 23

Tournament: Quasary and Krieger
Feb 21 - Feb 23

Duran Guaranteed Blitz Event!
Feb 23 - March 2

“Assault on City Hall” Co-Op Raid
Feb 24 - March 10

Alliance Victory Blitz!
Feb 24 - Feb 27

Brawl: Faction Fight
Feb 24 - Feb 27

The specialty crate of the week will be Rearline!

See you in-game!


Yes! A Duran gaurntee! I should get him 10 starred after this!


Nice to see a broken bounty as usual, can’t summon bosses keep up the good work

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Not broken, after there are too many bounties then you can’t summon more until they are gone dude, lol

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You do realize the cap is 20 right? There were only 12 bounties on the board so I should have been able to summon no problem, I couldn’t. But I know it’s hard for you to say anything bad about Deca since you took mellows #1 fanboy spot from him


I don’t fully know the cap, but just bc it wasn’t working doesn’t mean it bugged or broken, perhaps it was changed, perhaps it depends on how many you summon. It don’t know, just wondering if you knew that there was a cap in the first place.
Also what about mellow? So what if we both have passion for the game?

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You take it a bit to the extreme and never see fault. You’re blinded by the brown stuff on your nose. Also if you’re that passionate about this game you’d know the cap was 20 and you can pretty much summon as long as you have the cash and no more than 20 bounties


Hey there!

In case you notice something unusual happening in the game, which might seem like a bug, please always report it to our Support team first. It’d be also great if you can add a screenshot or a short clip of the problem occurring. That is the best way to make sure the potential problem will get investigated.

I would also like to ask you to refrain from personally attacking other players that are just trying to be helpful and figure things out together.


I’ve never been into bounty or war much, it’s just not my thing, it’s pvp where I thrive,
So yes I don’t know much about bounty and summons, never said I did. I only asked if you were aware that ther is a cap on summons,


Fair enough, but I felt he attacked me first by saying I don’t know about the summoning cap so just returning back what he sent


This he needs much more

  1. spectate any challenge
    Atleast know the outcome of match

2.quick win sector6 and 7 of gauntlet

3.exchange astral voidal canister to war coins

4.bounty tier should be fixed in such a way that small alliance can also hit hard and get good rewards i.e the milestone should depend on alliance power

And most imp thing
This should be fixed


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