iOS Custom crate

Any1 know why iOS has got custom crate yet


There was an issue with it and Apple made HHG disable it for the update to come out on IOS. Maybe Apple wanted a piece of the profits? Who really knows I think there is a post about the custom crate on the forums?

I need help fast! How do we cancel subscription of the IOS custom crate? I dont want to cost 30 bucks on a game!

If you’re on iOS go to your account settings on your device, subscriptions will be in the account settings menu. Select subscriptions and you can stop the custom crate subscription.

So if I don’t cancel subscriptions before end of the trial, I need to pay?

That’s what you signed up for yes. That’s the nature of a subscription.

Wait so what if I cancel right at when it says to pay?

My reply on another thread:

Napster, now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a very long time. I didn’t know it even existed, still.

It used to be called rhapsody …

do you have a alt account?

No… just 1 acct. issue resolved. I had to contact Apple support, they took care of it and squared it up. Still Not sure what happened, this game only has 1 automatic subscription. Curious if anyone else had this issue.

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Sorry about that! We haven’t seen that happen before.

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