Do YOU tap your shots? 🔫

Another one of the many questions that I have for the community to answer, is this.

Do you tap your shots?

For the longest time, I would hold down on the fire button for every hero I played with. But recently, I’ve discovered that taping my shots instead of holding them is a bit easier for me, and some heroes perform better that way too! Though, not all heroes are better with tapped shots. :wink: Some may have always tapped there shots, and some may have never tried it out before! Lets find out!

Here you can vote on how you like to play!

  • I only tap my shots
  • I do both
  • I only hold my shots

0 voters

If you chose to vote, please drop a comment and say why you chose what you chose.

If you chose I tap all my shots , which heroes do you find easiest to use when tapping your shots? Do you find it easier to tap your shots rather than hold, or do you feel like you can hit more accurately when you do?

If you chose “I do both” , which heroes do you tap your shots with? Do you feel they preform better that way?

If you chose “I hold all my shots” , What do you feel the benefits are of holding your shot? Do you think holding your shots are better than tapping them?

And just to make everything clear, there is NO right or wrong answer! :wink:


I tap the heroes that need their shots tapped, and for the auto heroes I hold down. Get the damage out as much as possible.


I auto everything in hero hunters




I use to tap, but quite often I wouldn’t hold the button down long enough and the skill would cancel. I also found out holding it allows you to place things like traps easier.

Now I do both, I usually tap just out of habit.


How’s it impossible @Vintermyst


Not so much Impossible per se, but how do you win in pvp matches?

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I don’t pvp much lol


I enjoy playing Ryker as a main DPS, but I’ve noticed on larger maps such as beatdown his gun spread goes haywire. I try to combat it by making my shots more concise, hence I tap fire in situations like that.


I always hold down the fire button since inaccuracy isn’t as punishing in this game and allows maximum damage output quickly, and heroes with high recoil give me the most trouble, especially when attacking rearline enemies.

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My headshot accuracy is mainly so high because i don’t use aim assist, play on a decent sensitivity, and if you play long enough you get used to all the guns and start tapping to increase accuracy for max damage output, a good player is key to a good damage dealer


Usually for hero’s with bows;crossbows;shotguns and bursts,I tap but with auto’s I just hold and shoot

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Yeah because holding down the trigger of any gun is always accurate! :face_vomiting:

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I tapfire when I’m playing snipers/marksman rifle like hardscope…they are more accurate that way…i hold most automatics


PRIS tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap


I do both but that’s because some toons require the tap but most toons you can just hold down the button. But if their fire rate increases if you tap then I’m going to try that more often.

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At the end of the day everyone has to do both because some heroes do not auto-fire. For the ones that do auto-fire, the situation dictates auto vs tap for me. If the target is running and I have a non-shotgun weapon, i’ll tap shoot just in front of the target for the hit OR I might reload as they run so that when they get to their destination I have a full clip. If they continue to run and run and run and I need to kill that target I might auto-play it and set the target. For Serial - it’s not really tapping, but i’ll often use his weapon in 5 round bursts to see if my target moves or ducks, or if they are knocked back i’ll pull off the trigger to adjust aim and fire a few as they are knocked back. If he’s on a hot swap i’ll let her rip but will stop if they die before the clip is empty and put the rest on another target. Panzer - 5 round bursts for some of the same reasons as Serial, but also it seems to lessen her shot spread. Probably an illusion, but still just seems to do something. For most of the shotgun weapons heroes I usually just hold it down because I can hit a running target well enough with a shotgun that not much slowing down to aim is needed (Shivs, Castellan, Anvil, Lancer).

For a vast majority of all single projectile weapon heroes (Rifles and pistols) that would auto-fire if you held down the trigger, it depends on how fast the rate of fire is. I prefer to tap shoot Kurtz. The rate of fire is slow enough that tapping each shot seems to improve my accuracy. Min on the other hand I hold it down as her rate of fire is much faster. Ryker I hold it down. He doesn’t shoot super fast but he’s not slow either. If the target is running i’ll strafe them with 3 round bursts. Ghoul I hold it down, unless strafing. Siren holds it down. Wesson holds it down. 4-cep is slow enough now that holding it down is practically tapping. Three round bursters (Hideo, Fisher, Surge, Operator) depends on their overall rate of fire. Fisher is pretty quick so I hold it down, Surge and Operator are slow enough that I’ll tap out each three round set.