Worst heroes so far?

Yeah yeah and steele too

Steele is one of most powerful DPS heroes with right team combo, lol. Shank is amazing support tank.

Most useless is Xianxong. He just don’t need for anything. Even Clayton and Elite Rifleman have useful features or team combinations.

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Part of me wants to automatically respond with Oro as it has been a running joke of mine for YEARS. #patroldistrictchamp2019-2020

However, if were being quite honest there is a use for every hero in the right team or scenario EXCEPT for Xianjiu. When he was released his value was at least that of a higher power hero for war but everyone that has been released since I left the game in July and came back last month is higher in power so he’s basically a middle of the pack hero in terms of power now. So at least imo hes the most useless.

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Oro is surprisingly handy in Bounty, as he has abilities to deal with pesky random enemies, and a knockback, area-denial ability to prevent the bounty from using skills.

Torque and Xianjiu are both definitely up there in the not-so-useful category for me.

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I just use Xianjiu as a trigger for Kurtz. That’s his basic function for me.

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I run across that a lot in pvp. You can use anyone for that. I guess if I was bored I might run Xian, Halloway, Hivemind, Stryker, and Hardscope for a laugh. #dronecity #clonecity

The worst is Torque, no doubt


Torque and Xianjiu. I want to like Xianjiu because he’s a cool looking character and in concept but he’s not great. Torque is just bad and not fun to play with. Bad healing and bad attack. Klayton used to be worthless but I actually like him in a some setups and he can be fun to use in those setups. Steele crushes bounty in the right setup (hint hint developers for what could be an interesting meta shift away from the Krieger + lightning meta). Shank is an awesome stunner after his last buff.

you’re kidding, right?

He’s gotta be. Hive had a resurgence in usefulness this year and Mari was op/meta all year. Brogan is meh but the other two are great, even essential some would say.

Hivemind is probably the best taunting hero in the game, hands down. Definitely not a subpar hero (not an absolute unit in pvp, but he is good in other gamemodes)

Brogan had a “Heimlock Effect” in that his abilities are hard to notice, but are a pain to power through if you’re not paying attention.

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