Tips for Campaign mode

Anyone have any tips for easy campaign 11-8? I’m stuck in it. I’m currrently level 72

what heroes did you use and who do you have at plat
i got to district 12 at level 66 and savage and halo plat
maybe you should try:
nightingale, savage, halo, oracle and butter
all plat

My plat heroes are cinder, razorback, galante, odachi, clyde,butter, ryker, dogface,hardscope, halo and mandrake

instead of oracle, probably use dogface
what is ur savage

Savage? Does razorback compensate?

u need something that easily triggers halo’s plat

Like who? Can you use gammond? His killshot is spammable

i dont know but for me savage is the best since it hits all targets at once with some bullets triggering halo’s plat non-stop

ok. i think i’ll go with this lineup:
Clyde, Gammond, halo, savage, hemlock.
Is that good?
(p.s. My savage is still at 1 gold 4*, so i think i have a lot of grinding to do)

TBH I’d pick Butter before Heimlock. He shields way more than Heimlock heals.

fair point. how many stars was your savage when you passed it?

4 stars
But I kinda used a different but weaker composition of teams during this time
Only two platinums

so your team power was in the red when you passed it?

20k only
It was an epic win

you are referring to the stage where you fight 2 helios’s right?

That is level 11-9

I just 3 stared it using this deck

oh. Then did ypu use the same team for 11-9?

this is level 11-9
i just got it 3 stared