The current state of Hero Hunters (w/ poll) [Dev Response]

Good morning, sorry this took longer than I expected but I wanted to make sure to communicate the right things. I may still do some editing for clarity, or add things as I think of them throughout the day.

I. GAUNTLET :dagger::biohazard::shield:
There is another thread going about this. Gauntlet has taken 11 days of my spare time

We do have a plan for a complete rework of Gauntlet. The primary goals of the rework are:

  • Make it take less time to complete (fewer sectors for the same reward*)
  • Scaling difficulty like we have in the Danger Simulator
  • Add risk/reward elements.

Due to it taking less time to complete and difficulty scaling Quick Win probably won’t be a thing. But we are totally open to feedback on this. We’ll share more about the specifics once we have it more finalized.

We evaluated making Quick-Win a short term solution. But with everything else going on in the April Update we just can’t squeeze it in. April is a monster of an update! One of our largest ever. And the team is working on getting that in it’s best possible state.

II. CONVERSION PURCHASES :small_orange_diamond: –> :dollar: :zap: :crossed_swords:
This is something we’re keeping a close eye on. We will be talking about this more Monday as a team once we’ve collected all this feedback and gotten some data from our analytics group.

The intention is not to move to Pay-to-Win. It’s a balancing act we must do between giving as much value as we can for the things that you can purchase while keeping the game fair for everyone.

III. NEW HERO FRAGMENTS + HERO ACQUISITION :atom_symbol: :man_singer:

  1. Yes, the decision was to make the random Hero Fragment to be any Hero. We are looking at increasing the number you get the higher difficulty you do.
  2. We wanted to let grinders be able to gain access to the newest Hero for free. Last update you couldn’t get the Hero for free at all until after the first Bounty. This is the first attempt at the middle ground. Grinders will get the Hero for free an be able to use it during the Bounty and players who purchase the Hero bundle get good value out of the Hero.
  3. We understand that the price of the bundle puts it out of range for some players who are interested but find it outside their budget. We have plans to make Heroes bundles in the future available at a lower price points.

IV. HERO DEVELOPMENT & DESIGN :hammer::man_singer:

  1. We are actually in the process of finding a way to get new voices into the game. We need to rent a recording studio to gain access to the equipment to do this as we don’t have it in the studio. We’re trying to find a solution that will work for players and developers.

V. DEVELOPER COMMUNICATION / INTERACTION :speaking_head: :speech_balloon:
This one is pretty near-and-dear to me. For those who have been around since Beta, they might recognize my name. I was one of the first developers to join the community. I’ve enjoyed talking with players where ever I can. I’m active on the forums, Discord and often am in-game chatting. I run Co-ops and do PvP with players (you’ll see my red tags if it’s me, and if I crush you I generally send you some PvP gems anyways). I try to be very involved but still do my job to a high standard of quality.

  1. I would say that I have “thick skin” and as a developer, you really need to have this as a trait to communicate with players directly. It can be hard for someone who put a lot of effort into creating something they are passionate about to then read messages like “this is crap”. It’s hurtful and demotivating.

    Jesse Anderson did a good job communicating some points when he addressed similar issues in the Anthem community. You can read more here.

  2. Delivering Updates is a safe way for us to communicate things that are coming up, and present them in a way so that we can get feedback. It is also much easier to communicate with all the players this way. I often find myself answering the same question in chat multiple times in just a few minutes, which takes time from answering other questions. The plan is to share more information on what we’re doing then just once a month.

  3. This is something we can work on. The truth is that we have a wall full of fan art near the team. Fan-fics get talked about and shared, we laugh and we think about some of the stories you guys tell. I do think we can communicate our appreciation much better.

  4. We can look into more Dev-astation Events. It’s just a matter of getting the team together.