Stars for heroes

I have a suggestion for improving the stars. As we know there are 10 stars and that’s it. I propose the further development of stars. After 10 stars, we have 5 big stars.
1 star - 1500 splinters.
2 star - 2200 fragments.
3 star - 3000 fragments.
4 star - 4000 fragments.
5 star - 5200 splinters.

(Вообще, это англоязычный форум, на котором редко встретишь русского человека, я перевел для остальных англоговорящих, а так не, это слишком долго/дорого, фигню придумал, вряд ли кто-нибудь вообще согласится на это.):man_facepalming:I have a suggestion for improving the stars. As we know, there are 10 stars and that’s it. I propose the further development of stars. After 10 stars we have 5 big stars.
1 star - 1500 fragments.
2 star - 2200 fragments.
3 star - 3000 fragments.
4 star - 4000 fragments.
5 star - 5200 fragments.

I would much rather keep getting heronium for extra fragments after 10 stars.
In my opinion the deed to get all the frags needed for 10 stars is enough. :slight_smile:


I’d like to see that if you get a hero that you maxed the hero out, it would create a copy of the hero and the copy is like a new hero, green bar, lvl 1, those things

(Just joking, don’t take this seriously)


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