November 2019 Update Notes

also want to say that i approve of that font choice for the alt Alvarez skin.

one could say…y’all are Bringin’ On The Heartbreak with that look :wink:


Great changes. Matador new skill is so cool, I’m afraid we’ll be off at 98 like last time.

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He looks like the front man of a 2000s emo band bhaha

Everybody made such a fuss about the frag limit on new hero focus’d raids. Now look at the rewards on the raid. Way to go

When trading, 4-5 frags with a 15 frag limit is better than 4-7 frags with an 8 frag limit. You get 8 frags minimum which is the same as before the update with 8 frags maximum. Thanks a lot for this increase in daily frags limit. Huge help in acquiring the new hero sooner than 2nd bounty. Much appreciated. Loving this update! Keep up the great work!

Love the Matador skin! We have to find all 100 pumpkins to get it? I couldn’t even find them all last year! That seems a bit excessive for a skin. Why can’t it just be in the Halloween store with a similar cost to the Razor, Ghoul, or Lancer skin?


Just keep a watch for the community scavenger doc. They update it on where to find the pumpkins and who to use.


Couldn’t agree more, excellent update. Love the hero adjustments. Matador is more than a Q-tip launcher now, in fact he’s pretty legit. In fact, with all the hero adjustments over the past few months, I now have several PVP teams whereas in the past I had just one because it was the one I had to use because everyone else pretty much had just one. Now that several characters have been brought into line (through various nerfs and buffs), we see greater variety in PVP, much less single character domination, and I’m having a blast. Not gonna lie, there was a time when I was close to dropping this game like…well I won’t describe it…but I’m quite happy now.


Devs, could you change Matador’s Rally Cry description? It still say 3 seconds and the armour amount, if I remember correctly, is still the same description-wise.

Do you guys think bounty will be on the 1st and 15th or the 8th and 22nd? I’m thinking 8th and 22nd because it just makes sense but who knows lol.

1st is by the schedule

There’s no energy in the holiday store : (

Are there any pumpkins on dojo? Only two days left not sure if everyone will have a chance to get it