Nerf stygia

Stygia is annoying in pvp. Specially her shield. Her shield make hard to beat her. She terminate the opponent team with her own. I think she is overpowered. So her shield power should be nerf.

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She isn’t overpowered. Find yourself a worthy combo and you can take her down. Not that hard.


She doesn’t need a nerf. Every hero has a counter.


She is not overpowered. In fact she is easy.
While you made this post, complaining. I found another counter. And because of that i can win against her.
Complaining is not how you win, if she actually needed a nerf the devs would do it.


These are 4 of the many more examples i have. I have currently beaten teams with her with over 40 different hero compositions



That’s how it done . You have to adapt, for these hero’s are needed to get futher in game modes. You never know what the developers have plan for future , these hero’s may be the key.
Key is to work on other hero’s besides top 5 or 10 every hero has they reason for being here.


Stygia should be nerfed because it forces me to point a counter hero at her while I’m on auto


Stygia is broken. When one platinum hero with 5* and no bars may eliminate full Ruby team solo it’s not normal. No one hero don’t have health points or shield power like her shield – 4-7 millions it’s ridiculous. Counters it’s good, but any player must have possibility kill any hero even without counters. Counters just make it easier. With Stygia this not work.


Ban people that ask for nerf!

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Nerf every hero except Gail so Gail will be OP

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If Stygia can only be countered by one hero (which, to my knowledge, is only an exclusive and hard-to-access 7* ruby Fiber), then Stygia is overpowered.

Verrill can be taken down by multiple mech dps heroes who are easy to access and don’t need to be upgraded to ruby. In that regard, Verrill is not the same as Stygia, and thus I would agree with those calling for a nerf.


As I thought…
Stygia is so good so she’s having her own complain thread :rofl:
Just like when Kurtz, Verill, Marianas and other “OP” heroes when they initially released…

Anyway, imo, we need Stygia to passed the extreme missions…

Soo, don’t nerfed her down, but buffed up the other heroes to counter…
This way, not only the other heroes will be useful for the extreme missions but also can help for the bounty too…

HH already released 120+ heroes, and some of them only good for patrol… Let’s buffed them up so they can counter Stygia…


Agree I just beat extreme district 2. I see her as a gift from HotHead Games to beat some extreme levels. This was my team for 2-4 to 2-10.

Nerf Gail to annoy @Okelly and keep Stygia as she is so he can’t run pvp on auto haha :wink:

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not everyone has a Fiber. and some of your matches have full plat teams lol.

Still. Stygia is stygia. Ruby or plat. She is not as op as everyone thinks…
Fiber makes easy work of her. But there are plenty more that work

Saw this on discord. No fiber team taking down ruby stygia. Instead of asking for a nerf of xyz hero, ask for someone else to get a buff to counter stygia or you can work on someone else to help take down stygia.

No more nerfs to ANYONE! Many of us work hard to unlock our heroes and work on them. Nerfs ruin that.


Preach! :open_hands: Verrril can take her down as well sometimes at the beginning if timed right but otherwise that’s just two out of over 100 heroes.