It's unbelievable that the devs stay silent while their game is in flames

Last month, I got ALL the energy freebies from connecting at certain hours.

This week, so far, I only got 2. And I don’t really care. It’s a shame a game I really loved is getting worse and worse every patch.

I know there are people who think this update made the game better. They are free to think that way. But personally, every patch makes me like this game less and less :confused:

Bad matchmaking, gamebreaking bugs, releasing untested heroes that are a must to play PvP, the lack of hotfixes when there is something really senseless, like Oracle’s plat activating for the whole match.

They took FOUR MONTHS to fix Heimlock’s sterilize. And that’s a somewhat minor bug. I don’t understand how a gamebreaking bug like Oracle’s, or Halo’s plat activating with damage on hit skills took one and two months to be fixed, respectively.

Im sorry for ranting, but I’m really frustrated, because Resurrection has been bugged since Flatline came, and now we got another hero who can resurrect without even fixing the mechanic on the first place…