How to be pro and be top of the leaderboard

Hey Hunters,

We’d like to remind everyone of the A Word on Exploits post. We welcome constructive discourse, but will not condone personal attacks or witch hunting of any kind. These exploit concerns are best handled privately between Player Support and the reporter.

Making public statements does not force action.

This post saddens all of us at Hothead. Please understand that these issues can be very complex and take time to fix. We hoped our community would’ve trusted us to respond and take appropriate action. We need to make sure we cross our t’s and dot our I’s, especially when disciplinary action can result in permanent bans. We do not want to punish innocent players.

Please see our previous post on how what you can do if you see something and how to handle it within the community.

You might not see the results of these investigations explicitly, and we won’t make the results of those investigations public. It may take us some time to properly explore any potential holes, fill them, and take appropriate action against any players who may have damaged the experience for other users.

Finally, we want to thank anyone who provided information on this issue.

A Word on Exploits post: