How can you get gold without spending money?

How do I get gold without spending rl money nor through ads? Can someone sum up all the currently possible ways?

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Pvp crates give gold 15% of the time. Achievements often give gold. First time you beat/3 star a mission. Daily quests.
Tournaments and events often give gold.

Tapjoy can give gold but will often scam you out of it.

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Doing your daily tasks gives 30, PvP crates give gold at a small chance but you can get up to 40 at the highest level, certain events give out large sums of gold for participating, you can earn 220 gold for three starring every mission in each hard mode district, and there is always the tapjoy route if you are into that.

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These last two PVP tournaments was great gold sources!
First 500, the another 300 just a few days later.

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It’s definitely <15% on paper. HAHA and the crates is diluted by win tickets, bucks and exp tickets. Not as a reliable F2P source sadly.

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You must complete daily tasks and achivements. Also you can get gold with pvp crates.