Fischer dead?

We have a fisher bug problem. Why does Fischer die when his first skill is too hot?

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Take a look at the patch notes for the most recent update. His skills were reworked and his bronze now deals self-damage. With bonus damage, though it appears that heā€™s offing himself inadvertently instead of dealing ā€œhalf of remaining hpā€ to himself.

Is the platinum the same way?


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Mathematically speaking, itā€™s impossible to ever half something to 0, yet itā€™s happening: (

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So the change was released with the incorrect wordage? If so, thatā€™s a shame to all of those who donā€™t read anything outside of the game itself.

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This is ridiculous and needs to be fixed immediately with compensation for all players. The creators have transformed my favorite hero into a suicide bot.


This is coming from the same creators who consistently spell receives as ā€˜recievesā€™ on every character. Iā€™m not really expecting them to think through their wordage much.

I think an unfair balance

If it would work as intended it would be a fair balance. But it does not. Mine does about 13 million damage with his skill so I guess they messed up the damage calculation, which leads to to much self damage.

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Well, if Fisher is a rival, isnā€™t he supposed to die a lot? Unfortunately Fisher is dying when heā€™s a rival. This is a contradiction!

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Yea, this needs to be fixed. What a waste to put him in, he kills himself instantly. You canā€™t take control of any other hero if you want him to live.


Not to mention the waste of resources prepping him for the event.


Thanks for letting us know!

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Sorry, I just have to gloat about being rightā€¦ hehe :sweat_smile:
Still does phenomenal damage tho, Iā€™m not complaining ! :yum:

Scum dealing good bounty damage is normal enough but Fischer dealing 15mil? Fischerā€™s on my upgrading list!

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There is an issue where his self-damage is also getting affected by the Faction bonus multiplier. This is a bug and weā€™ll fix it.


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@poobglob Mines at 8* also but its hitting 23 mil

Mineā€™s 8* as well. 27m damage.

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