Can we please discuss bounty

I couldn’t agree more with the original post. Bounties have stop being fun and become more of job for an entire weekend to keep your position intact. Many players are getting burned out by it.

Few ideas and suggestions:

  1. Lives should restore less often (like pvp 2/3 times a day). Even having bounties just once a month would help like it was little while back.
  2. Alliance has all power level people. More often bounties show up are more suitable for higher power people. Need good balance there.
  3. Why couldn’t bunch of bounties just stay with infinite health and you get points after certain amount of damage dealt. Right now people end up wasting effort by hitting bounties at the same time.
  4. In recent Cinder/Flatline featured event we saw more flatline featured bounties than cider. There was a day when we barely saw any cider bounties. If bounties are just randomly presented then there is unfair advantage for alliance who might get more featured bounties than others.