4th July Events

Dear DECA! When you lead this game we lost all date based events – St.Patric Day, Cyber Monday sale, Women Day, Cinco de Mayo, etc. Even Anniversary – we don’t get any big PVE like it’s was with HotHead, miss celebration shop and Guilded Festival. All this events give to players exclusive avatars, resources, skins, atleast simple holiday fun. Now we don’t get ANYTHING even on 4th July. Where Razordrom variations, Urgent Missions, Simulator and traditional Community Star contest? We have lack of new content with HotHead, but now we lost even what we have, lol. Surprise, but update in fixed time, new hero and few new skins it’s not something extraordinary.


Completely agreed, haven’t been really any new exciting events

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Hello. Thank you very much for raising this with us. I see what you mean but many of the holidays you mentioned coincided with the transition period, which made us miss some of the events you pointed out.

I will make sure to write your suggestions down and share them with the team.

With regards to a community event, we already have something planned and it will go live soon. Stay tuned. :v:

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In fact, if there are any other events you are used to seeing in-game during specific holidays, please feel free to point them out.

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It would be soooo good to confirm that a gilded event is on the way soon!


GUILDED FEST event please


This isn’t holiday related so please forgive me. I just wanted to mention that another “realism pvp” event would be cool. We’ve only had one of those and it was awesome. Its pvp where one shot is one kill. The matches were super fast but a ton of fun.

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Look like with new devs this may be only for donaters, lol. First we got donate skins, than we got donate modes. I don’t will be surprised.

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Maybe y’all need to have patience. Maybe they’ll come up with something. Pretty sure they listen to feedback and they were in a hurry. The offer lasts only 3 days so it must be that they hastily had to add it somewhere after ALL the begging for it

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